Team AM wins tender NPD area in Overvecht Utrecht!

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Nieuwsbericht AM  

Paul de Ruiter architects

NL architects


LBP Sight

Goudappel Coffeng

Dike Park Nijmegen

LINT has been working on a project on the Waaldike Nijmegen, commissioned by O team, Waterschap Rivierenland and Gemeente Nijmegen. The main question in the project is how the city and the river are related to each other in this area  LINT proposes to transform the area directly behind the Waaldike into a dike park. The park ensures that the dike can be experienced as a separate spatial element and that the landscape is optimally intertwined with the city of Nijmegen. Seepage can be used in a smart way to create wetland nature and from the surrounding neighbourhoods there are routes through the park directly to the dike.  

LINT Dike Park Nijmegen 


Waterschap Rivierenland 

Municipality of Nijmegen

Team Heijmans with Diederendirrix, Bedaux de Brouwer, HilberinkBosch and LINT landscape architecture wins tender in Leidsche Rijn Utrecht!

Team Heijmans with Diederendirrix, Bedaux de Brouwer, HilberinkBosch and LINT landscape architecture wins tender in Leidsche Rijn Utrecht! An important element of the design is a terraced landscape with two collevtive gardens, where water can be collected.



Bedaux de Brouwer


Mud bay Vancouver Canada

LINT has visited Vancouver and Surrey to do workshops and presentations as part of a design by research project for Vancouver and Surrey. Together with the local team the area has been explored by kayak. LINT will develop en present different spatial models in june 2017.

Project in collaboration with the University of British Colombia Vancouver (UBC), Royal HaskoningDHV and is partly financed by Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie. 

University of British Colombia 


Royal HaskoningDHV

Tidal River, Heart of the City

LINT participates in the design studio “Tidal River, Heart of the City” at the Academy of Architecture in Rotterdam. The studio focuses on the relationship between the densification of Rotterdam and the river as autonomous entity. What is the current relationship between river and city? And what are the possibilities and promising conditions? Flows of goods, people and things are crucial elements of the design proposals, in which spatial identity, circular economy, social development and nature preservation come together.  This studio is based on the assumption that the relationship is crucial for both city and river. What is needed for the river to function well as the heart of the city and the city as the environment of the river?  The atelier is part of the Future Urban Regions program of the Dutch Academies of Architecture and will be finished June 2017. Commissioned by the  Academy of Architecture Rotterdam, i.c.w. Spatie, Bureau Lofvers, Sander Klaassen (gemeente Rotterdam) and Helmut Thoele

Rotterdamse Academie van Bouwkunst

Future Urban Regions

Merwede Climate Proof

The Merwedekanaalzone has been designated as one of the most important densification areas in Utrecht. In addition to this densification task, Utrecht aims to be a healthy city and wants to deal with climate change in a smart way. Especially the increase in the amount of peak rainfall and the warming of the city demand climate-proof solutions. In this context, LINT conducted a design study for a climate adaptive public space in Deelgebied 5 of the Merwedekanaalzone, commissioned by the Province of Utrecht. LINT worked with calculation models and developed a matrix in which multiple climate adaptive interventions at different locations are shown. The design concept consists of green streets, water squares and a canal park. Together with the rooftops and the collective courtyards, these components collect a large part of the rain water. The water flows through the different elements of the plan like a cascade: from private to public and from high to low. The water squares are attractive, green spots with a high public quality. Commissioned by Provincie Utrecht, i.c.w. Rijkswaterstaat, Gemeente Utrecht en Waterschap Stichtse Rijnlanden.

Merwede Climate Proof 

Municipality of Utrecht

Province of Utrecht 

Hoogheemraadschap De Stichtse Rijnlanden 



Living Lab Stationsgebied Utrecht Circulair

The team LINT and marco.broekman presented the results for the project Living Lab Circulair Stationsgebied Utrecht. The high urban density in the area requires a different perspective on city and public space. In contrary to the traditional spatial configuration, the team envisions intensive, vertical and hybrid forms for the Beurskwartier. The public space and buildings can be seen as machines, that use the various flows within the area in a smart way. These machines can clean, produce or re-use the different flows. Besides the functionality of the machines, its visibility in the public space will contribute to reciprocal behaviour.


Commissioned by Gemeente Utrecht, Provincie Utrecht, Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu en Ministerie van Economische Zaken, i.c.w. marco.broekman


LINT circulair beurskwartier

Ministery of infrastructure and the environment

Ministiry of economic affairs 


Province of Utrecht

LINT looking for interns!

LINT landscape architecture is looking for interns in Utrecht a period starting now or in august/september. Are you interested in working on both competitions, research and the implementation of projects? Send your portfolio and motivation letter to [email protected]

Human Nature Final Results

LINT has finished the design research Human Nature. The research was commissioned by the provences of Utrecht, Drenthe and Zuid-Holland and was financed by the Creative Industries Fund. The expert group is composed of Yttje Feddes, Tom Bade and Vincent Kuypers. The project contains i.a. an international comparison, an historical analysis and 3 spatial design projects. Take a look at the flyer or contact LINT for the full report:

Human Nature


LINT Human Nature

New Stadseiland

The team LINT landscape architecture, marco.broekman and HIK presented the results of the design assignment Think Big!/Shared Space, commissioned by Aorta Centre of Architecture. Utrecht will grow rapidly and wants to accommodate 400.000 residents within the existing city limits (source: ruimtelijke strategie 2016). The team LINT/marco.broekman/HIK wants to solve the majority of this densification task within Stadseiland, the area between the Merwedekanaal and the Amsterdam-Rijnkanaal. Within the transformation towards a high-quality urban area, the main objective is to strengthen the identity of the area as an urban island. Stadseiland will be an example for sustainable urbanization with smart mobility systems, climate adaptive and attractive public spaces, new forms of housing in line with a range of target groups and innovative energy concepts. An important part of the plan is the development of a new city park for Utrecht West, as a route around Stadseiland.  



HIK ontwerpers